There are few things you must be careful before you start either the tour or trekking. Collecting some general information about the place is more important thing. Just a short time for collecting information and preparation could make your trip thousands time better. However your travel company also brief you the things before you start trek. Likewise here we are giving some information to pack for Everest Base Camp Trek that we have got from our long experience in the field.
A traveller need medium size duffel bag to pack to these trekking gears and thick cloths that you need during the trek. You don’t have to carry whole luggage brought from home, your hotel can keep safe this till you come back. The bag will carry by a porter.
A day backpack:
A small backpack is necessary to carry your personal documents, wallet, snacks, water, gloves, sun lotions, camera and other handy goods. The bag will be carrying by yourself, the backpack size is recommended as per your stuffs.
Trekking/Hiking boots:
Normally while people are on trek it’s most important to have good trekking boots which must be enough strong to save you from snow and accidentally stepping into water. Don’t forget to choose fit shoes for your foot. Only the well choose shoes can help you to make your whole trip comfort.
You should carry a pair of light sandal. It makes your stay comfortable in the camp.
Especially when you going in cold place it’s better to carry some extra pairs of socks. You need to have at least 4-5 pairs of thick socks for the trekking in Nepal.
Sleeping Bag:
Another most important thing while you are in trekking is a lightweight sleeping bag that work for the minus 15 degree for the Himalaya region.
Warm insulated and lightweight pants:
You must have to take few pairs of light weight trekking pants, little bit loose choose gives you more comfort in the journey. Besides to carry a pair of nylon/polyester or spandex fabric pants which resistant to rain and wind is compulsory.
Short-sleeved/long sleeved shirts:
You need to have woollen or synthetic shirts and if you are not allergic to wool, merino wool is absolutely the best for any trekking region. Don’t forget to carry a pair of long sleeve shirts as well.
To change your inner cloths after long sweaty walk every day you need to take enough of them with you. Every place you may not get enough water to wash them and don’t get enough time to make dry them as well.
While you are in trekking you face different types of weather every day. So you need to carry some different types of jacket that help you to care from every angle. Fleece jacket at least 1 synthetic jacket or pullovers are a great alternative to fleece because they are lighter and more compressible, a medium weight down jacket and a waterproof jacket are most important jackets for the trip.
Some hand head and face gear:
You can easily imagine that what you will looks like after walking whole day in the sun, to protect direct ray of sun you better carry hat, sun hat, wool hat, polarized sunglasses, and warm light weight gloves as well.
In the travel time razor, blades, shaving cream, Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, sunscreen, toilet paper, small towel and everyday pads (for women) are advised to carry along with you.
Most of trekking companies take First Aid Medical Kit while on the trekking, though you better to be sure about the first aid medicines before you leave for the trek. Some altitude medicines and eyes nose spray or drops are most important for this.
Traveling supplies:
Along with all of these above here are some more important thing that you shouldn’t forget to carry during the trek. The things are adapter Plug, Camera belt, Passport belt (very nice to have), small knife, Flashlight, Headlamp, Water bottle, Extra camera battery, Hand sanitize, Alarm clock, Hiking poles (optional ) and Binoculars (optional).
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